My Tasks (My Inbox)

Inbox contains all incoming requests which user can process according to his/her access. For example, if user has a role which validates requests, he/she will see all requests that are waiting for his/her approval.

Inbox also contains requests that have been created by current user and they were returned to him/her due to some irregularity etc. These requests can be edited and sent for approval again or they can be canceled completely.

To access Inbox, click on your name on the top right corner and choose “My Inbox”. Particular sections that are displayed are dependent on how it is defined in the application. Next option how to access Inbox is from Dashboard in “My tasks” in menu. Requests are displayed differently but in the same order as in “My Inbox”.


Request is represented by one line in particular section. User can open request detail by click on the button with number (= number of waiting requests). Its color is defined by request status (In progress, in approval etc.). Wider buttons means that the request is overdue. After clicking on particular section of requests list of requests is displayed. User can use content menu (left click on cog wheel) and click on “Open in new tab”.

Requests in Inbox are displayed separately for every Company with possibility to collapse/expand (top right corner) the list of individual objects. Number of object type lists will depend on the screen resolution (responsive).

User can use custom (user) filters described here.

Requests processing

Requests that are in My tasks (Inbox) can be processed according to user access. Select concrete request from the overview and review it, eventually fill in mandatory fields or edit existing ones.

Request - Actions:

  • Workflow - under this option you are able to make actions like approving, rejecting requests etc.
  • Save - under this option you are able to save a record with made changes.
  • Save and close - this option saves and closes request detail.
  • Close - this option closes request detail without any changes.
  • Diagram - under this option you are able to display workflow diagram.
  • Change priority - under this option you are able to update priority of a request.
  • Relations - under this option you are able to see data related to current request.
  • Owner - under this option you are able to add users to approval workflow.
  • Watcher - under this option you are able to add users to be able to see the request details.
  • Export to Excel - under this option you are able to export detail of a request to Excel file.
  • Export to PDF - under this option you are able to export detail of a request to PDF file.

Note: User can move request in Workflow, Save or Cancel it via icons next to Actions button


Workflow option offers many actions which can be performed. Individual actions differ according to Xeelo setup. Number of actions that can be performed by user depends on user access.

Actions are distinguished by three colours (red, green, yellow) and different icons.

If action in coloured square is grey, then it is not possible to perform the action. This behaviour will occur if mandatory fields are not filled. In this case proceed to the detail of a request and check if all mandatory fields have been filled.

To add comment in WF dialog click on sign (+) in comment section. Field for comment will be displayed also with a possiblity to add attachment. Click on Save button to add comment. To cancel comment adding, click on (X) mark.

Based on setup, there can be a possibility to move request to concrete user. After WF action is performed, request is moved to defined user.

After clicking on a particular WF action, new list to select a user is displayed. When user is defined, confirm the selection by clicking on button OK. To cancel defined selection click on button Cancel.

When a WF action is successfully performed, green infolog is displayed in the right bottom page.


Diagram shows the path of connivance. User can see every step of particular request, who partakes in connivance, what is he able to do and which status the request has on each step.
User can close the diagram by clicking on the button “Close” in bottom right corner.

Change priority

You are able to change request priority through Actions in the details. If you click on option „Change priority“, new dialog will be opened.

Click on the priority list and select desired priority. When new priority is defined just click on Save button. To close priority changing dialog, click on Close button (or „X“ mark).


If a request is related to any data in the system, user can see that in Actions/Relations or in dedicated tab „Relations“ in the request detail. Relations are now presented by relation diagram. It is possible to click on the request to see its relations. It means that the user can see level 1, level 2 etc. relations in diagram.


Under option „Owner“ you can add additional owners to a request. Click on button „Add“ and select user as an additional owner, then click again on Add button next to defined additional owner to add additional owner. If you want to cancel adding an owner, just click on button Cancel.

Note: When additonal owner is added and saved, it is not possible to delete it anymore. User has to open the detail of added owner and set field „Active“ to No.


Under options „Watcher“ you can add additional user which will see details of a request even if he/she is not included in request processing. Click on button „Add“ and select user as an watcher, then click again on Add button next to defined watcher to add the watcher. If you want to cancel adding a watcher, just click on button Cancel.


  • ‘’‘Export to Excel’‘’ – Under this option you can export request detail to Excel file. After clicking on this option a new file will be created and web browser will display it.
  • ‘’‘Export to PDF’‘’ – Under this option you can export request detail to PDF file. Export type needs to be selected first and after clicking on button „Export“, new file will be created and web browser will display it.

Note: If error message is displayed with text: „No printouts are defined“ or „There is no export to Excel defined for this object.“ then export setup has not been set. Contact your administrator to set export option.


It is possible to see history of a request. It is placed in request detail under tab „History“. It is divided into two sections. First „Workflow“ which displays only WF history and „Full“ which displays complete history of a request.


User can also add comment in request detail. In Comments tab, click on (+) sign. Field for adding a comment will be displayed also with a possibility to add attachment. Click on button Save to add comment. If you want to cancel comment adding, click on „X“ mark.


Same as in Actions, if a request is related to any data in the system, user can see that in this tab or in Actions/Relations.

Multiple Requests processing

It is possible to process more than one request in Inbox grid.

Go to My inbox grid:

To process multiple requests right, it is necessary to mark only requests that are in same WF status that comes from one Workflow and is currently assigned to same role.

This can be applied through filter “Workflow”. Specific WF - Role - Status value can be selected. This selection will filter requests in grid that can be selected afterwards.

Mark requests that will be processed through the checkbox on the left side.

“Mark all” functionality can be used to mark all requests currently filtered in the grid on one page.

Note: If you process multiple requests, be aware that if you add a comment in WF actions dialog window, this comment will be saved to all request that have been marked.