My profile

„My Profile“ option allows to manage user account.

User account

In section „Account Settings“ – tab „Personal info“ is possible to change personal information.

Username: name and surname.
Email: user email that is used for sending new password and notifications.
Save Changes: to confirm desired changes click on button „Save Changes“. Your desired changes will be saved.

My settings

In tab “My settings” you are able to set application settings.

  • Home page - in this section you are able to set different types of Home page

  • None - this value will display default Home page with navigation icons

  • Inbox - this value will display Inbox section with all objects currently assigned to user account

  • Browser - this value will display Browser section with all objects currently created in the system

  • MyInbox - this value will display Inbox section with all objects currently assigned to user account as nav. icons

  • Language - in this section you are able to set a particular language of the system

  • Note: System labels, information etc. will be translated right away. All object labels, information etc. must have the translation set

  • Multi level top menu - in this section you are able to set how the main navigation will display objects (expanded, collapsed)

  • Note: If set to Yes, objects in main navigation will be displayed as collapsed (user has to click first on company and then on object type to display objects)

  • Floating action button - in this section you are able to set floating feature of “Actions” button

  • Note: If set to YES, Actions button will float when user scrolls down (up)

Change password

In tab „Change password“ you can change password for the login:

  • Current password – Define your current password.
  • New password – Define new password.
  • Confirm password – Confirm new password. Type the same password as in previous field („New password“).
  • Change password – By clicking on this button you will confirm change of a new password.


In section „Delegation“ it’s possible to set delegations. You can give your competence to another user.

It is essential to use delegations in time of absence like holidays, illness etc. When delegation is set to a particular user, he/she is able to do actions on behalf of a person who set this delegation.

To add delegation use button „Add“ and fill all necessary fields:

  • To user: select user to whom the delegation will be set. He/she will then has appropriate access in the system like approving records, creating requests etc.

  • Valid from: select date from which the delegation will be valid.

  • Valid to: select date into which the delegation will be valid.

  • Chaining: check this option if you want to allow user who is set in delegation to be able to delegate another user. To confirm chaining, checkbox needs to be checked (green box - Yes). Uncheck this option if you don’t want to allow chaining option (grey box - No).

  • Extended: this option is used for delegation range. In c
    ase this option is set to No, then it’s possible only to approve records. If Yes option is set then delegated user has all your access and rights in the system – he/she can approve records, create requests, edit requests etc.

  • Active: This option states if the delegation is active (Yes) or inactive (No). If you want to cancel delegation then you have to use option – No.

  • Note: User can write a note by using editional functions and input external links as pictures, videos or links.

  • Add: by clicking on button „Add“, defined delegation will be saved.

  • Close: by clicking on button „Close“, defined delegation will not be saved.

Note: When delegation is set and saved, it is not possible to edit it anymore. User has to create a new one and the previous one can be deactivated (using option No in field „Active“).

Your added delegation is displayed in section „Delegation“, in the overview. It is possible to check saved delegations and eventually deactivate delegation and create a new one.

To see the detail of a delegation, just click on a particular delegation line. It is only possible to define active option.

Click on „Save“ button to save edited delegation. If you want to close the detail without any changes, just click on button „Close“.


In section „Notifications“ you are able to add/edit notifications that are sent by email. You can define notifications with a different level – you can set global level for notifications (this option sends notifications of all entities in Xeelo application) or you can define particular level (Company, Object, Object type).

To add notification use button „Add“ and fill all necessary fields:

  • Level: select type of a level that will be used for sending notifications:

  • Global – this option sends notifications of all entities in Xeelo application

  • Company – this option sends notifications regarding certain company

  • Object type – this option sends notifications reagrding certain object type

  • Object - this option sends notifications reagrding certain object

  • Company: this field is active and user can select a particular value from the list only if „Company“ level has been selected

  • Object type: this field is active and user can select a particular value from the list only if „Object type“ level has been selected

  • Object: this field is active and user can select a particular value from the list only if „Object“ level has been selected

  • Active: This option states if the notification is active (Yes) or inactive (No). If you want to cancel delegation then you have to use option – No.

  • Add: by clicking on button „Add“, defined notification will be saved.

  • Close: by clicking on button „Close“, defined notification will not be saved.

Note:When notification is set and saved, it is not possible to edit it anymore. User has to create a new one and the previous one can be deactivated (using option No in field „Active“).

Your added notification is displayed in section „Notifications“, in the overview. It is possible to check saved notifications and eventually deactivate notification and create a new one.

To see the detail of a notification, just click on a particular notification line. It is possible only to define active option.

Click on „Save“ button to save edited notification. If you want to close the detail without any changes, just click on button „Close“.

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