
Users is used to set up a User account, User access and Special user access. Furthermore assign Notifications and OrgCharts for the User. Last but not least Reset password and provide user Overview about the assigned access rights.

User account set up

Standard way of adding User account (when LDAP is not configured) starts with button Add (upper right part of the grid) opening the User form to be filled.

General section

  • Name - Define name of particular user who is being created.
  • Login - Define login for the particular user who is being created. This login (Local application authentication) will be used when User wants to access Xeelo application.
  • Email address - Define email of particular user who is being created. This email address will be used for sending new passwords, notifications etc…
  • Authentication type - Under this field you are able to define Authentication type for User access. Selection options are as follows:
Local application - this authentication type uses access based on local (Xeelo) authentication values (user name, password).
External LDAP (login/password) - this authentication type uses access based on LDAP attributes, which are defined in the system.
External LDAP (session) - this authentication type uses access based on the session IDs.
  • First Logon Password - Allow admin to define first password for particular user. In case user log in with this password, Xeelo automatically adds password into and removes it from field.


  • Home page - Define the initial screen when entering Xeelo application.
  • Language - Define your default language set up for the Xeelo application.
  • Multilevel menu
  • Floating action button - Enable or disable the Floating action button. Tip: enable the feature, in case the used forms are longer and scrolling is required. When enabled, action button scrolls as well as you move through the form and hence is always available for action. Fixed action button stays always anchored in upper right part of the form and does not scroll.

Profile access

It is possible to restrict the ways User setting are edited by the user himself. In this section following options can be limited by checkboxes:

  • Details - Allow User to update his personal information (Name, Email)
  • Delegations - Allow User to create or update delegations
  • Notifications - Allow User to manage notifications
  • Mobile devices - Allow User to register and deactivate his mobile devices


  • Manager: Define User’s manager
  • Info 01 - Info 09: Use for managing required additional User’s information.