Object actions

On an Object there exists a possibility to create an Object Action.

In a case of need to change some attributes of a request such as request status, request priority, or owner of a request and the most often used processes of this type there are designated types of Object Action.

Object Action must be placed into the workflow step to to be properly executed. For a quick addition of an Object Action there is a possibility modify a workflow step through a workflow diagram.

The exact moment of realisation of a process of an Object Action differs. Object actions can be divided into two groups:

  • those which are executed at the start of a workflow step
  • those which are executed at the end of a workflow step

After setting a name there is a list of usable types of an Object Action.

List of Object Actions

  • Add comment to request (system) - adds comment to request from object line (defined in parameter) under system user account
  • Add comment to request (current user) - adds comment to request from object line (defined in parameter) under current user account
  • Add request owner - fixed
  • Add request owner - fixed (Last)
  • Add request owner - request line
  • Add request owner - request line (Last)
  • Add request watcher - fixed
  • Add request watcher - request line
  • Add user delegation
  • Add user delegation from sub-grid
  • Add/modify OrgChart category
  • Add/modify OrgChart category from sub-grid
  • Add/modify pattern search
  • Add/modify pattern search rule
  • Add/modify pattern search rule from sub-grid
  • Add/modify user access
  • Add/modify user access from sub-grid
  • Add/modify user account
  • Add/modify user account from sub-grid
  • Add/modify user export list
  • Add/modify user export list from sub-grid
  • Add/modify user import list
  • Add/modify user import list from sub-grid
  • Add/modify user module access
  • Add/modify user module access from sub-grid
  • Add/modify user Object Visibility list
  • Add/modify user Object Visibility list from sub-grid
  • Add/modify user OrgChart cat. list
  • Add/modify user OrgChart cat. list from sub-grid
  • Add/modify user template list
  • Add/modify user template list from sub-grid
  • Add/modify user update action list
  • Add/modify user update action list from sub-grid
  • Add/modify user dashboard news
  • Add/modify user dashboard news area
  • Add/modify user dashboard news access
  • Add/modify user dashboard news area access
  • Add/modify user dashboard news from subgrid
  • Add/modify user dashboard news area from subgrid
  • Add/modify user dashboard news access from subgrid
  • Add/modify user dashboard news area access from subgrid
  • Change role and status of request (Last)
  • Change role and status of request keep exclusion (Last)
  • Change role and status of request (all versions)
  • Deactivate OrgChart category
  • Deactivate pattern search rule
  • Deactivate user access
  • Deactivate user account
  • Deactivate user export list
  • Deactivate user import list
  • Deactivate user module access
  • Deactivate user Object Visibility list
  • Deactivate user OrgChart cat. list
  • Deactivate user template list
  • Deactivate user update action list
  • Delete sub-grid lines
  • Execute special function
  • Export data - force
  • Export data - pull
  • Modify requestor - fixed
  • Modify requestor - request line
  • Notification single request
  • Notification single request (Last)
  • Set first user password
  • Re-initialize request in current step (Last)
  • Recalculate request
  • Recalculate request (Last)
  • Recalculate request - specific line
  • Recalculate request - specific line (Last)
  • Remove all request owner
  • Remove all request owner (Last)
  • Remove all request watcher
  • Remove request owner - request line
  • Remove request owner - request line (Last)
  • Remove request watcher - request line
  • Remove user dashboard news access
  • Remove user dashboard news area access
  • Reset user password
  • Update request priority


Every Object Action has its own definition of conditions and a parameters. Condition determinates in which case an Object Action should be executed. Parameters specify which Object lines or IDs should be used in execution.


Created Object Action has to be assigned to particular Workflow Step (otherwise it won’t be executed). During assignation it is possible to set for what type of request should be executed. There are 3 options:

  • Create - Object Action should be executed for a new requests
  • Update - Object Action should be executed for a updated requests (look for update action)
  • Update Empty - Object Action should be executed for a updated request that was erased in purpose (special type of update)

Example: User Management through an Object Action

In some cases it is useful to change a User setting through a requests and every attribute of User can be set by the request. Therefore many specific Object Actions were developed such as Modify User to change for example language or homepage of the particular user.

Creating user delegation through an object action

Object Action Add/modify object visibility

On an object are these Lines required:

  • Line for User login
  • Combobox for SYSTEM List of Objects
  • Combobox for SYSTEM List of Object Visibilities

Create specific Object Visibility for chosen object.
Parameters are id of User login Line and id of combobox of Object Visibilities
Set Object Action on WF.

Would it be please possible to make this topic up to date? There is lot of new object actions already long time existing, with plenty of parameters, where is not clear what value is expected and non of them documented (For example "Add/modify user OrgChart cat. list from sub-grid, etc…).
Proper documentation would save consultants a lot of time.
Thanks a lot!

Hi Petr,

I’ve just added all missing Object Actions.
Actually the description of Object actions is not exactly needed. The title of OA is self-describing and the parameters that are required as well.

If you are not really sure what the OA does or what it requires, please send it here and I’ll describe it here.

Hi Michal,
thank you for your reply. I agree that the title of OA is self-describing and the parameters that are required as well. Problem is with the usage of the parameters. For example for OA Add/modify user OrgChart cat. list from sub-grid there are clear 6 parameters, but not clear how exactly use them:

  • Sub-Grid: I suppose that should be an Id of sub-grid which holds a line with user login
  • Active flag: suppose to be 1/0
  • Role: Id of role I wont to assigned with the OrgChart. I suppose it can be empty.
  • User Login: Id of a line on the Sub-grid from first parameters, the Id of the line which holds the User Id(s)?
  • OrgChart category Value: I suppose it should be an Id of a combobox line that holds an orgchart Category - can I provide any reference (with the OrgChart) or shall I use SYSTEM: OrgChart Category? Can this line be from Object level (idxxxm) or must it be on the Sub-grid level (idyyy)?
  • OrgChart category request visibility: I suppose this is actually the “Browser” option and value can be 0/1?

Thanks for answer. I will go throw the User Management Module to see how the object actions are working, so I don’t need it urgent. Never the less I thing that detailed docs is never a mistake.

It’s really easy… you should provide links to proper ObjectLineID where the information can be found or exact number.

Role example:

  • set object line id1234 where the information of roleID is stored.
  • set proper number (14, 16, 19…).

Another Object Action has been introduced to the list of available ones. It is - Change role and status of request (all versions)
This Object action (and Periodic action) is similar to the existing one Change role and status of request, nevertheless, this one is specific and should be used to move request to completed or canceled state only. This means that the choice of states will be restricted to those defined in admin as completed or canceled type.

Object action will serve to set ALL versions of the request to desired state, not only the current version. E.g. removal of the all versions to cancelled state, hence removing the record from database. Use and handle with care.

Utilisation: good use of the OA …in case you have several times updated transactions of a Vendor, where for instance Amount is the value, which is changing with the versions… in case you would like to remove the entire records of the transaction when the amount = target (e.g. 0) you would need to get rid of all versions of the request. Today, you could use OA - special function and write an update statement to deactivate request versions based on request code. After introducing this new OA, you can easily define the status and role and conditions without coding to achieve the same.
Note the action will be available in set of Object actions as well as Periodic actions.

Please update the list.

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