Periodic section allows to set periodic actions and server calculations for a specific object that will be processed by the Scheduler in a specific time.
Periodic actions that can be set are mostly the same as Object actions.
To get a better picture, currently it is possible to set these periodic actions:
- Execute special function
- Export data - force
- Export data - step / specific
- Export data - step / all
- Add/modify user export list from sub-grid
- Add/modify user export list
- Deactivate user export list
- Add/modify user import list from sub-grid
- Add/modify user import list
- Deactivate user import list
- Notification single request
- Notification request summary
- Add/modify user template list from sub-grid
- Add/modify user template list
- Deactivate user template list
- Add/modify user update action list from sub-grid
- Add/modify user update action list
- Deactivate user update action list
- Update request
- Add request owner - fixed
- Add request owner - request line
- Remove all request owner
- Remove request owner - request line
- Update request priority
- Delete specific sub-grid lines
- Add request watcher - fixed
- Add request watcher - request line
- Remove all request watcher
- Remove request watcher - request line
- Change role and status of request
- Change role and status of request keep exclusion
- Re-initialize request in current step
- Add/modify user access from sub-grid
- Add/modify user access
- Deactivate user access
- Add/modify user module access from sub-grid
- Add/modify user module access
- Deactivate user module access
- Add/modify user account from sub-grid
- Add/modify user account
- Add user delegation from sub-grid
- Add user delegation
- Add/modify user OrgChart cat. list from sub-grid
- Add/modify user OrgChart cat, list
- Deactivate user OrgChart cat. list
- Deactivate user account
Is it possible to define on which requests the periodic will make actions/calculations. There are three values that can be selected in field Request type that represent on which requests will periodic make actions/calculations:
All requests - requests in all wf states
In progress - requests only in wf states that are not set as completed
Only completed - requests only in wf states that are set as completed
Each periodic action must have parameters defined in section Periodic/Actions/Parameters.
These parameters differ based on type of periodic action.
Periodic actions can also have a condition set - meaning that the action will not be performed unless it meets the condition. Conditions can be set in section Periodic/Actions/Conditions.
Note: If you define more than one condition, then these conditions are united with logical conjuction “AND”.
Server calculations that can be set are the same as object server calculations.
Server calculations can be set in section Periodic/Calculations and the addition of server calc. is the same as addition on Workflow.
Note 1: Periodic will be executed even if only server calcs are defined. This possibility can be used for example to calculate dates.
Note 2: To see if periodic action/calc works, it doesn’t need to be assigned to scheduler and wait until the set date/time has come . To test it, just use button “Refresh”.
Example of setting one periodic action and one calc on periodic and set scheduler for this periodic:
Let’s say we need to calculate date - add current date every day
and count days between the date when request has been created and the calculated date above - count days by difference between date 1 and date 2
And on top of that set periodic action that will move request to a wf status when the calculation (count days) reach 20 days - Change role and status of request
In Admin/Periodic/Calculations and set the first calculation:
Server-RequestInfo: {Today}
Set the second calculation for counting days by difference between the date when request has been created and the date calculated in 1. step:
Server-DateDiff: Day,idxxx,idyyy
where idxxx = date of request creation, idyyy = date calculated in Step 1. -
Set the periodic action that will move the request to a wf state:
In Admin/Periodic/Actions add a new periodic action -Change role and status of request
Set parameters - Status and Role
And a condition (calculated dates) -Second calc. equals 20
Important!: Set the right order of calculations - first should be executed the one in step 1. and the second one in the step 2.
- Last step is to set a scheduler and assign the periodic to it. In Admin/Scheduler create a new scheduler.
In Scheduler/Lines add a new line a select type -Run selected period batch
. And in Scheduler/Lines/Parametersselect the periodic
Now in Scheduler/Recurrence add a recurrence of the scheduler - because we need to calculate the date everyday -Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr,Sa,Su and set time 00:00
That’s it. Now the periodic should be executed every day at 00:00.