
Main use of reference list is to provide source for selection controls on the forms such as: combo-box, combo-box with search or combo-box (server). Reference list is also used to attache OrgChart to the request or create relation between objects and requests. It is possible to filter values available for selection (more details on Object details. Information below explains in details how to create new reference and how to create special variants of the reference that are automatically generated by Xeelo.

Under admin part mentioned above you can do the following:

  • Crate new reference list
  • Connect them to objects Reference object
  • Connect them to external source such as SQL or Oracle database Reference external
  • For connected reference lists you can run refresh manually in order to refresh all values from object or external sources


Field Description Restrictions
Source name Name of the reference list maximum 50 characters
Type For users is only allowed value Table. This field is used by system to distinguish various system generated reference (see below).  
Style Value style to select format in which values in combo-box control are shown.
  • Name
  • Value - name
  • Name (value)
OrgChart Indication if reference list is adding some OrgChart category to request.  
Relations Indication if reference is creating relation between the object. This field is applicable only for references generated from objects (see below).  
Active Indication of active and inactive reference lists.  

Fields Values

Field Description Restrictions
Value Reference value that creates primary key for reference. maximum 255 characters
Name Name shown in the combo-box based on style defined on reference header. maximum 255 characters
Referenced filter Filter that can be used to selected only some of the value. One value can contains multiple filtered value. To enter this in the reference you can use "," to separate them. Example: abc,cde,xyz  
Bind Sometimes the it is required to use non-unique values in the reference. For this purpose you can use bind value. Please note that in case of bind value is used you can have problems with OrgChart and Relation as it can't be assigned properly due to primary key violation. maximum 255 characters
OrgChart Value of OrgChart category from selection box. In case such value is used in combo-box then defined OrgChart category is attached to the request.  
Active Indicates active and inactive reference values.  

Types of reference

There is more than one type how to add/import data into reference. Reference can be manual, imported, mapped to particular object, external etc.

Manual Reference:

Administrator can simply add records into Values section manually. This method of filling reference can be use if the reference is static or has complete set of data. For example Yes / No reference:

Value Value Name
1 Yes
2 No

Data can be also imported manually into reference by using Import data button, right under Values.

Object related reference

It is possible to define reference list generated from object requests. This can be found under admin menu Admin - Object details -> Reference -> Reference object. You can add link to several objects or even the same object with various fields or sub-grids. See below list of fields that needs to be provided.

List that is connected to object is refreshed after every workflow action or request creation. For manual refresh you can use option Admin - Object details -> Reference -> Refresh. It is possible to setup also automatic scheduled refresh in Scheduler. This is recommended to do in order to ensure that all request are added into the list.

Field Description Restrictions
Name Name of the reference source. maximum 50 characters
Only Completed This check-box indicates when the value in reference list should be created. If it is checked then the value will be created only at the end of the workflow when request will reach Request status with flag completed.  
Object Definition of object that should be used for creating of the reference value.  
Object line value Object line that defines field Value.  
Object line bind Object line that defines field Bind.  
Object line name Object line that defines field Name.  
Object line filter Object line that defines field Filter.  
Object line Object line that defines sub-grid that should be used to generate the list.  
Object sub line value Object sub line that defines Value.  
Object sub line bind Object sub line that defines Bind.  
Object sub line name Object sub line that defines Name.
Object sub line filter Object sub line that defines Filter.  
Active Indicates active and inactive object references.  

Note: in case when both object line and object sub line is selected for reference system concat these values with “-” between them. Final value will be ObjectLine-ObjectSubLine.

External reference

In case it is needed to load the reference list from external source like database. Currently the solution supports to load the data using linked server feature on the SQL server. Linked server can be created for all major database system and is depended on driver installation on particular SQL server.

Field Description Restrictions
External reference name User friendly name of the external source maximum 50 characters
From Definition of from clause of the query for external source  
Value Definition of value as part of select statement.  
Bind Definition of bind as part of select statement.  
Filter Definition of filter as part of select statement.  
Active Indication of active and inactive external sources.  

Based on the above values the select statement is build as: select , , , from

Automatically generated reference

Xeelo generates various reference lists on background when set-up in the application is changed. These references are not visible for administration in Admin -> Reference but can be used on Object or sub-grid. Changes triggering the refresh are:

  • adding of the user
  • changes in user access rights
  • changes in OrgCharts (both group and category)
  • changes in user assigned OrgCharts

List of automatically generated references

  • SYSTEM: Application User List
  • SYSTEM: Application User List OrgChart
  • SYSTEM: Application User List Role Filter
  • SYSTEM: Application User List OrgChart Role Filter
  • SYSTEM: OrgChart - name of OrgChart

Explanation and usage of generated references

These references are mainly used to indicate Xeelo users and to bring OrgChart required for approval. See below information for details.

SYSTEM: Application User List

List of application users where value contains user ID and name contains user name as created in user management. This list allows to select only active users.

SYSTEM: Application User List OrgChart

Same list as one above but enriched with information about specially create OrgChart that is one to one to user list. This means that each user is having automatically create OrgChart category for its user name. This can be used in order to manage the list of users that should be considered for particular workflow step. Examples of use: service desk assignment, additional approvers, parallel approvals.

SYSTEM: Application User List Role Filter

User list that allows filtering of users based on Role, Company, Object type, Object. Filter is automatically recalculated based on user access set-up. Syntax of the filter is the following:

  • Rxxx to filter just based on Role where xxx is ID of the particular role (without prefix id)
  • Cxxx to filter just based on Company where xxx is ID of the particular company (without prefix id)
  • Txxx to filter just based on Object type where xxx is ID of the particular object type (without prefix id)
  • Oxxx to filter just based on Object where xxx is ID of the particular object (without prefix id)

There is also possibility to use combination of Role, Company, Object type, Object with the following syntax (not other combinations or order is allowed):

  • RxxxCyyy users with combination of specific role and company
  • RxxxCyyyTzzz users with combination of specific role, company and object type
  • RxxxOyyy users with combination of specific role and object
  • CxxxTzzz users with combination of specific company and object type

Example: R12, R23C15, O19 this will filter users which are having access to role ID = 12 and role ID = 23 for company ID = 15 and object ID = 19.

SYSTEM: Application User List OrgChart Role Filter

User list that allows filtering of users based on Role, Company, Object type, Object with user OrgChart information. In general same list as above but with advantage of OrgChart use for some workflow steps.

SYSTEM: OrgChart - name of OrgChart

Reference representing the OrgChart categories. Any OrgChart group or category that is created is automatically available as reference.
Examples of use: on master data together with OrgChart inherit functions (see Object for more details.)

SYSTEM: Company List

List of active companies created in Xeelo with prefix “C”. This list can be used for filtering the values from application user list with role filter.

SYSTEM: Object Type List

List of active object types created in Xeelo with prefix “T”. This list can be used for filtering the values from application user list with role filter.

SYSTEM: Object List

List of active objects created in Xeelo with prefix “O”. This list can be used for filtering the values from application user list with role filter.

SYSTEM: Role List

List of active roles created in Xeelo with prefix “R”. This list can be used for filtering the values from application user list with role filter.

Reference Relations

Under reference a relation between objects can be defined. Follow these rules to make it happen:

  1. Mark Checkbox “relation” in Reference detail:

  1. When this relation is assigned on an object through the line Combo-box, relation is automatically created. This relation can be then displayed in tab Relations or by clicking on button Actions/Relations

When a user wants to display related object (request), he/she doesn’t need to go to these relations and click on a particular one all the time. System allows users to display related objects(requests) right from the request details - combo-boxes.
Attribute “Show link” needs to be set on a combo-box:

After this is set, a new icon above line combo-box is displayed and clicking on it will display a related object(request).

Note: Proper access needs to be set on user account to be able to see related objects.

See also

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