Through Relations it is visible which Xeelo objects - requests are connected. Relation interpretation can be accessed from a request detail under Action button or it is visible in the last tab of a request called Relations.
There are two possible ways to display this relation.
Contains a list of related requests, respectively to the specific object - each object is displayed on different tab.
By clicking on the request the record is opened in new browser tab.
Diagram in X2
Visual interpretation of relations between objects - requests. List of connected request is collapsed, by clicking on the name of the object list is expanded. The same principle is used for expanding specific to get more details.
By clicking on icon recycle right next to label diagram, relation map enable/disable displaying of recurrent relationships.
By clicking on icon link at the left top corner of particular request, the request is opened in new browser tab.
Diagram in X3
Visual interpretation of relations between objects - requests. Visual interpretation displays direct relation between currently opened request and linked requests according to current data on the request form (e.g. Customer on Invoice), by clicking on the displayed request in relations diagram, request will be displayed in a new tab.
By clicking on icon arrow on the right of particular request, relation for that particular request will be displayed.