Definition of various system settings related to core system functions, connections, layout and behaviour of the application. Settings are split into groups based on which part of system can be adjusted.
Definition of attachment storage.
Parameter | Description |
Type | Definition of storage place for attachment. Currently supported:
Name | Parameter for specifying storage account. |
User Name | Parameter used for external storages - defining username under which a connection will be established |
Password | Parameter used for external storages - defining password under which a connection will be established |
Base Path | Parameter used for external storages - defining final destination where files will be stored. |
Connection Parameters | Parameter used for external storages - defining connection string. You can use absolute path
or server address \\IS-SERVER\XeeloStorage\xeelo-random-storage
Table | Parameter used for external storages (DB) - defining a table where files will be stored. |
Table Column | Parameter used for external storages (DB) - defining a table column where files will be stored. |
Table Identifier | Parameter used for external storages (DB) - defining a table identifier (primary key). |
Type of File | Parameter defining what type of files can be attached (.pdf, .docx, .rtf, .txt ...).
Maximum size | Parameter defining maximum size of a file that can be attached (In KiloBytes). |
Rest in progress