Setting up Import from Mobile Application


We’ll setup a single object, which will be available for mobile clients. Saving request from Mobile application depends on Import framework, which adds a possibility to import data from mobile object to completely different object, but for simplicity, we’ll work with single object.

Create Object and Sub-grid

We will create Object called Car Incident consisting of Incident ID (text unique on object level with autonumber) and Description (mandatory multi-line text) and will be able to attach photos of his car. For attachments we’ll use Sub-grid called Car Incident Images. Such sub-grid will again contain unique autonumber text line called Image ID with mandatory Image attachment.

Create Object Template

We’ll create a default object template. Under Access & Visibility tile we go to External tab and setup Object line visibility for Mobile Device. When creating a template, we need to assign Workflow, I used dummy, single step workflow, containing workflow status with Visible Mobile enabled. Requests in such status will appear in mobile application among My Tasks.

It’s absolutely necessary to add subgrid template line for subgrid!

Create Import

Creating/Updating requests using mobile visible object is achieved using Import framework. Admin has a possibility to import from Car Incident to completely different object, but we’re going to import into Car Incident. So, let’s create Car Incident Import importing to Car Incident object. We enable Create New checkbox, so we’ll be able to create request, and also enable Update checkbox so we’ll be able to update existing requests.

Our import must contain 2 Import Sections. One is type of Request and second one’s type is going to be Sub-grid. We need to put Import Section Lines we want to import into both sections.

NOTE: Some Import Section Lines already existed once we created Sections. Those lines are mandatory in order to make the import work. Note that, for sub-grid section there is Incident ID line from object. This line is required, so the request can be determined at import time.

Assign Import

Now, we’re almost done. We need to tell the source object how to use our import. Let’s return back to Car Incident object and open it’s default template. We check Allowed flag in the Mobile import section and select our Car Incident Import. Once saved, requests, created/updated via mobile application will use Car Incident Import. And now the last crucial step. Suddenly Import Mapping tile becomes available.

Setup Import Mapping

On import mapping, we have to define relation between source object lines (from Car Incident object) and target import section lines of Car Incident Import import. We’ll basically map Object Lines one to one, with an important exception. We have to map Incident ID line twice. First mapping is required for Request section, the other for Sub-grid section.

NOTE: For simplicity, we’'ve set single object/sub-grid line as unique. In case you need to have multiple lines as unique, you must set mapping for all of them both for request and sub-grid import sections.


We’re done. You can download (9.64 KB) and try it on your own.

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