Sometimes users have to find request on grid. It seems like very simple task to do whenever there are 10 requests on grid. On the other hand if the object contains more than 100 requests, the same task seems to be very hard to complete. For those situations Xeelo welcomes new features - search with barcode/QR code functionality.
The search works in the same way like in Xeelo environment. According to value in search field it automatically filters the requests on grid.
Barcode / QR Code
In case you have the information in Barcode / QR Code format, you can easily scan it and Xeelo Mobile application automatically finds for you the result.

Filling Text-box by Barcode / QR code
To make the creating of requests containing Barcode / QR code more easier, administrator can allow to fill Text-box by Barcode or QR Code now. On the right side of Text-box a small icon of camera appears. If user taps on it, it automatically opens camera scanner and scans Barcode / QR code from item. Scanned code is transferred to string and filled into Text-box.
Admin has to allow using Barcode / QR code in object line properties in administration.
There is a new functionality of Zebra barcode scanner. In case user will click on camera icon next to input field on Zebra device, the application will show modal with “Scan code.” information. Once scanned with hardware button the modal is closed and result is inserted into text field. Before inserting the value the original value is removed.