Export details

Export provides functionality of pulling out data from Xeelo and transform them into different types of outputs. It is possible to recieve the output as E-mail or just Download it.


The export has to be created in Exports&Imports → Export section where you specify the object. Once the object is specified (connected with the export), the very last step is assignation the export in Workflows → Workflow Details → Workflow Steps. It is possible to set the assignation in the content menu on each row. Click on the Red-wheel button → Assigned Exports


Audit Report MS Excel Mapping for Audit Report (tile in Admin). Output data are transformed into MS Excel file.
Browser MS Excel Output data are transformed into MS Excel file
CSV Output data are transformed into CSV file with UTF-8 or ANSI encoding
XML Output data are transformed into XML file with UTF-8 or ANSI encoding
Internal export Internal Export is the special type of export. The main purpose of using these type is to transfer data from object A to object B. It can be simply created by selecting object you want to export (object A) and the import (object B). The export import must have a very first lines defined by the following rules (Numbers in list mean Order in Export):
  • 1. ID - id of the section from import (Exports&Imports -> Imports then click on the Red-wheel button -> Sections)
  • 2. RequestorID - requestor's id of the export request. The person who should be responsible for the export. Use designated value Requestor ID.
  • 3. NextUserID - next user's id for the import purpose (assignation of next user)
  • 4. Key (optional) - in case the internal export is set for update purpose. In case that it is necessary update specific request (For example: EmployeeID). This variable has to be Unique!
SQL Statement >SQL Statements are the special type of export. They are used for inserting or updating SQL DB. "SQLinsert" and "SQLupdate" fields are active for insertion and update SQL statements

For each type can admin set different functionality in Xeelo. For example only export CSV and XML can be delivered by the e-mail etc. Here is the table of functionalities which can be applied for particular types: XeeloAdminExportRest.xlsx (11.5 KB)


This feature enables to run calculations on export. Calculations are run before the export is created. Calculated values are displayed on the export and also on a request.

Export types where calculations can be defined:


Browser MS Excell Calculations are run for this type of export but this type shouldn't be selected for export calculations. Values are calculated for the whole object (all requests). If you need to use export calculation on a request level, use the ones below!
CSV For this type of export, calculations are run when a request gets into a WF step where export is assigned. Export with calculated values is in section Export.
XML For this type of export, calculations are run when a request gets into a WF step where export is assigned. Export with calculated values is in section Export.
Internal Export For this type of export, calculations are run when a request gets into a WF step where export is assigned. Export with calculated values is imported into specified object.

To set a calculation on export, go to: Admin → Export details → Calculations.
Based on object that is used for the export, select desired object line or Sub-grid line where the calculation will be run.
Select type of calculation and define the calculation itself.

Export calculation

Note: If export has a condition set then calculation is run only if it meets the condition. So when export is being run, at first conditions are run and then calculations.


  1. Select export and define a calculation.
  2. Assign the export on a WF
  3. When a request gets into desired WF step where export is assigned, calculation will be run. (Based on a type of export)

Temporary calculations

Temporary calculations can be used to calculate concrete values on exports and display them afterwards. It is essential to use them when you don’t want to occupy slots of object lines where “main” calculations are calculated. You can use several Server calculation types. These calculations are calculated right before the export is being generated.

How to use temporary calculations:

1) Create a new group of temporary calculations on object where export is used:

Go to a specific object detail section (Object detail/Temp calc)

  • Create a new group of temporary calulations
  • In the detail of the group of temp calcs, go to: Calculation lines
  • Add a new temp calculation line
    • For ex.:

Note: after a new line of temp calc. is saved, ID is assigned to it.

  • Created temp group (along with temp calc lines) can be applied to the export (Concrete Temp calc group/Applicable)
    • Tick checkbox of export to apply temp calculations and save it

Note: Application of temp calcs can be done also on Export detail

2) Assign the calculation on export:

  • Go to a specific export detail
  • Check if temp calculations are applied (section Temp calc)
    • if not, tick the checkbox to apply it

  • Now in the section Export detail/Lines add a new line and fill in/select values:
  • Fill in Name
  • Select Type of line “Temporary calculation”
  • Select concrete temporary calculation in “Temporary calculation” field

  • When export is generated, value of temp calc should be calculated

Internal Export

This section provides information about Internal Export/Import. If an import is properly set then it is possible to define internal export.

  • Go to Admin/Export details and create a new export
  • Select type as “Internal import”, select object from which the data will be exported. Leave delivery as download and select Import in field Import.

  • After values above are set go to Lines and define lines that should be exported.

  • First three(four) lines must be values that will link the internal import and classify the exported data to proper WF.

    • Section ID - this is an ID of internal import section (Not the id of an import!)

    • Requestor ID - under which user the export/import will happen - use User ID. (System ID can be used “0” )

    • Next User ID - to whom the request will be assigned after the import

      !!! - Do not populate this value if not necessary. This value is used to assign request to particular user, so for example if you have E/I that updates request (where import is set) and this request is assigned to multiple users, E/I will assign it to just one user who’s user id is populated in this value. If you do not want to re-assign the request, just leave it empty (you can read this topic and its comments with more details - https://forum.xeelo.com/t/create-and-populate-a-new-sub-grid-line-in-an-active-request/367/11.

  • Assign Lines from object
    * Important! - Order of Export object lines must match the order of Import lines

  • Once the export is defined, it is necessary to assign the internal export on a WF.
  • Go to Workflow/Specific workflow/Specific WF step and assign the export. (Once the request gets to this wf step, export is initiated along with the internal import)

Note: Internal Export can export data from both main grid and sub-grid at the same time. If you export data also from main grid and sub-grid, it will then import:
* For import type “Request”: as many request as how many subgrid lines have been created
* For import type “SubGrid”: as many subgrid lines as how many SubGrid lines have been created in the original request where the export will happen.


Internal Export

Internal Import