Dashboard Widgets

Each Xeelo user can easily set his/her own dashboard consists of various type of widgets. The collection of widgets provides full overview of incomplete and completed requests, distributed news across the company, assigned tasks etc. Therefore user has all information on one place and doesn’t have to open particular objects to see new tasks assigned to him/her.

All widget allows to enable/disable Hide when empty. User can allow to Xeelo hide/show the widget if there is no items in the widget. For example - if the widget News doesn’t contain any news, it automatically hides current widget.

Widget Types

There are various type of widgets. User can add any of widget by:

  1. Clicking on cog (wheel) button on Dashboard
  2. Clicking on Add Widget button at the right bottom corner
  3. Select one of the widget types described below
  4. Fill the widget details
  5. Add the widget to Dashboard by clicking on plus button in Widget Layout

Task / Item grid

Task / Item grid widget is for showing of requests of particular object.

Preview of widget


Widget details


Using news widget, user can watch distributed news across the company or department. News belong into particular Area that represent just a group of news (i.e. Global, Marketing news, Human resources news, Important etc.). News settings and list of news can be found in Xeelo Administration - Widgets section.

Preview of widget


Widget details


Report widget is for showing of graph of particular report.

Preview of widget 1


Preview of widget 2


Widget details