This topic is valid from version 005, if you want to see older, just jump to the version of this topic before.
We are using in Xeelo Admin two types of editors. First is wysiwyg editor - Froala Editor (e.g. Printout detail) and second is Codemirror (e.g. Server Calculation on Object Line).
Admin Intellisense with autocomplete are working on both editors, tooltips are little bit different. In Codemirror you can see tooltip when you mark string with mouse. Froala editor offers tooltips directly in intellisense, you shouldânt mark text with mouse. If you click at the end of the string and before âhere}â in Froala Editor, intellisense will appear and you will see the meaning of your selection.
Admin Intellisense on Object is supported on Object Lines - Client Calculations, Server Calculations and Validations. Next also on Temp Calculations - Calculation Lines. Evaluation character for Admin Intellisense is âidâ. If calculation supports also Subgrid, intellisense offers Subgrid ids too (ids of Server Calculations which support Subgrid are - [51, 52, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 65, 71, 72, 76, 77, 87]). If Server-String (id 53) or Server-Math (id 55) is selected on Object Server Calculation, there are also on âCtrl + Spaceâ SQL expressions available. The same behavior is on Calculation Lines in Temp Calculations. If you mark with mouse âidxxxâ tooltip will appear. Meaning of tooltip is âObject Line Name - Object Name - Object Line Tab Name - Object Section Nameâ [CodeMirror Editor].
If type of Object Line is Desc memo, property Value - there are also FORMAT HTML static data available, evaluation character for static data is â{â [Froala Editor].
Subgrid supports intellisense on Subgrid Lines - Client Calculations, Server Calculations and Validations. There are also SQL expressions available on Calculations Server-String and Server-Math. Evaluation character is âidâ too. Tooltips work the same as on Object. If the Subgrid is used on Object, in Subgrid Calculations and Validations there are also available in intellisense Object Lines from Object, where the Subgrid is placed. [CodeMirror Editor].
If type of Subgrid Line is Desc memo, property Value, there are also FORMAT HTML static data available. Evaluation character for static data is â{â [Froala Editor].
Admin Intellisense is working properly in section Email Detail - Subject (FORMAT - single notification only) [CodeMirror Editor] and Message (FORMAT HTML - single notification only or FORMAT SUMMARY - summary notification). Evaluation character is â{â. Intellisense is offering only static data, which can be type like FORMAT, FORMAT HTML or FORMAT SUMMARY. Explanation of static data will be added to the end of this topic [Froala Editor].
Evaluation character is â{â. Because Printouts have relation to Object, there are also Object Lines from Object available. Printouts support only intellisense in sections General - File name (type FORMAT) and without section - Header Format (FORMAT HTML), Format (FORMAT HTML), Footer Format (FORMAT, HTML) [Froala Editor]. And the last is Script, where tooltips are also working if you mark it with mouse [CodeMirror Editor].
Static data:
Intellisense type âFORMATâ placeholders:
{ActionDuration} - Duration in minutes between current and previous workflow action
{AssignedUserID} - List of user IDs currently assigned to request
{AssignedUserName} - List of user names currently assigned to request
{CompanyName} - Name of current request company
{CreatedByID} - User ID of request creator
{CreatedByName} - User name of request creator
{CreatedDate} - Creation date of current request
{LastActionDate} - Date and time of last workflow action for current request
{LastActionID} - Last workflow action ID
{LastActionName} - Last workflow action name
{LastComment} - Last comment of current request
{LastRequestStatus} - Previous status name of current request
{LastRoleName} - Previous role name of current request
{LastWorkflowUserID} - Last workflow action user ID of current request
{LastWorkflowUserName} - Last workflow action user name of current request
{ModifiedByID} - User ID of last modifier
{ModifiedByName} - User name of last modifier
{ModifiedDate} - Modification date of current request
{NextUserName} - Currently assigned users
{NotAssigned } - Value 1 in case request is not assigned to any user, otherwise value 0
{ObjectDefaultID} - Template ID of current request
{ObjectDefaultName} - Current request template name
{ObjectName} - Name of current request object
{ObjectTypeName} - Name of current request object type
{OwnerUserID} - List of user IDs currently assigned as owners
{OwnerUserName} - List of user names currently assigned as owners
{PrevUserName} - User performing current workflow action
{RequestID} - Current request ID
{RequestLink} - HTTPS link to request
{RequestorAssigned} - Value 1 in case request is assigned to requestor, otherwise value 0
{RequestorID } - Requestor user ID
{RequestorLogin} - Requestor login
{RequestorName} - Requestor user name
{RequestPriority} - Current request priority name
{RequestStatus} - Current request status name
{RequestTag} - New/overdue tag of current request
{RequestType} - Current request type name (create, update or update empty)
{RoleName} - Current request role name
{TempCalc,[Temporary calculation ID]} - Temporary calculation value
{Today} - Current date
{TodaySerial} - Current date in serial format YYYYMMDD
{TodayTime} - Current time
{Variable,[Variable code]} - General variable
{WatcherUserID} - List of user IDs currently assigned as watchers
{WatcherUserName} - List of user names currently assigned as watchers
Intellisense type âFORMAT HTMLâ placeholders:
All that is in âFORMATâ plus the following items
{BarCode,[Object line ID],[Type of code]} - Barcode
{Condition,[Condition],[True statement],[False statement]} - Inline condition
{Condition2,[Condition ID],[Condition]} - Statement condition
{Condition2Else,[Condition ID]} - Else statement for condition
{Condition2End,[Condition ID]} - End of the condition2
{ProgressBar,[Height],[Label],[Value or Object line ID],[Color or Object line ID]} - Progress bar
{RelationGrid,[Width],[Object ID],[Object line ID list]} - Table with the list of related object requests
{RequestComment,[Width]} - Table with all comments
{RequestCommentsNew,[Width]} - Table with comments added since last workflow action
{RequestCommentsPrev,[Width]} - Table with comments added before last workflow action
{RequestDetail,[Width],[Object line ID list]} - Table with request details for selected lines
{RequestDetailFilter,[Width],[Object line ID list]} - Table with request details of selected lines, only not empty lines
{RequestSubGrid,[Width],[Object line ID],[Sub-line ID list]} - Sub-grid table with header
{RequestSubGridNoHeader,[Width],[Object line ID],[Sub-line ID list]} - Sub-grid table without header
{RequestSubGridTotal,[Width],[Object line ID],[Sub-line ID list]} - Sub-grid with header and total
{RequestWorkflow,[Width]} - Table with request workflow history
Only for notification additionally:
{RequestOfflineActions,[Width]} - list of workflow offline action
{RequestOfflineActionsWithRequestLink} - list of workflow offline actions with link to request
Intellisense type âFORMAT SUMMARYâ placeholders:
{RequestGrid,[Width],[Object ID],[Object line ID list]} - table with list of requests
{Variable,[Variable code]} - general variable
Type âFORMATâ should be used for:
Notification - subject (single notification only)
Printout - file name, script
Type âFORMAT HTMLâ should be used for:
Notification - message (single notification only)
Printout - header format, format, footer format
Object line - desc memo value
Object sub line - desc memo value
Type âFORMAT SUMMARYâ should be used for:
Notification - message (summary notification only)